The demographic profile includes information for the City of St. Marys, Auglaize County, and the 12 County West Central Ohio region (Allen, Auglaize, Champaign, Darke, Hancock, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Putnam, Shelby, and Van Wert counties.
Population |
Overall |
Male |
Female |
City of St. Marys |
8,342 | City of St. Marys | 4,047 |
City of St. Marys |
4,295 |
Auglaize County | 46,611 | Auglaize County | 22,889 |
Auglaize County |
22,722 |
West Central Ohio | 648,615 | West Central Ohio | 319,486 |
West Central Ohio |
329,129 |
Age Statistics |
St. Marys |
Auglaize Co. |
West Central Ohio |
Under 5 |
610 |
3,164 |
80,728 |
Total Households |
1,294 |
7,388 |
98,399 |
15 - 24 |
1,063 |
5,952 |
87,972 |
25 - 34 |
1,162 |
5,777 |
80,728 |
35 - 44 |
1,219 |
7,373 |
100,680 |
45 - 54 |
1,028 |
6,360 |
88,541 |
55 - 64 |
667 |
3,905 |
59,222 |
65 - 74 |
582 |
3,253 |
45,642 |
75 - 84 |
496 |
2,492 |
32,177 |
Over 85 |
164 |
947 |
11,312 |
Median Age |
(34.9) |
(36.5) |
Marital Status |
St. Marys |
Auglaize Co. |
West Central Ohio |
Total Population 15 and Older |
6,250 |
36,083 |
506,163 |
Now Married |
3,622 |
21,774 |
294,239 |
Never Married |
1,289 |
7,6601 |
112,419 |
Separated |
40 |
873 |
13,980 |
Widowed |
635 |
2,892 |
36,025 |
Divorced |
664 |
2,943 |
49,200 |
Housing & Income |
St. Marys |
Auglaize Co. |
West Central Ohio |
Total Housing Unit |
3,479 |
18,470 |
264,678 |
Total Households |
3,218 |
17,376 |
245,826 |
Average Household Size |
2.55 |
2.62 |
2.59 |
Average Family Size |
3.1 |
3.11 |
3.07 |
Households with under 18 |
1,204 |
6,449 |
89,421 |
Households with over 65 |
827 |
4,346 |
60,067 |
Owner Occupied |
2,271 |
13,536 |
184,970 |
Renter Occupied |
947 |
3,840 |
60,067 |
Median Home Value |
$78,000 |
$90,600 |
$90,950 |
Per Capita Income |
$17,682 |
$19,593 |
$19,076 |
Median Family Income |
$44,557 |
$50,024 |
$48,694 |
Educational Attainment |
St. Marys |
Auglaize Co. |
West Central Ohio |
Total Population 25 and Older |
5,179 |
30,093 |
418,301 |
No High School Dipolma |
927 |
4,311 |
68,728 |
High School Graduate Only |
2,514 |
14,317 |
190,878 |
Some College, No Degree |
743 |
4,912 |
72,768 |
Associate's Degree |
384 |
2,506 |
28,770 |
Bachelor's Degree |
397 |
2,658 |
37,854 |
Graduate Degree |
214 |
1,389 |
20,303 |
High School or Higher |
82.1 |
25,782 |
361,573 |
Bachelor's Degree or Higher |
11.8 |
4,047 |
58,157 |
Land Area |
Land Area |
Persons per Square Mile |
City of St. Marys |
4.4 sq. mi. |
City of St. Marys |
1895 |
Auglaize County | 401 sq. mi. |
Auglaize County |
116.2 |
West Central Ohio | 5,468 sq. mi. |
West Central Ohio |
118.6 |
Climate |
Average Temperatures |
Annual Precipitation |
Average Annual |
51° F |
Rainfall |
36 in. |
Average Winter | 25° F |
Snow |
25 in. |
Average Summer | 73° F |